Project Overview

Noble Power Solutions worked in partnership with Monford Group to undertake the testing and commissioning of the 100MWac Merredin Solar Farm at Merredin, Western Australia.

The scope of work for this project included all testing and pre-commissioning requirements for the 220/33kV Substation for interconnection with Western Power network, as well as testing of the containerised inverter stations and all solar panel testing.

  • Solar Panel testing: Testing included insulation resistance, polarity, open circuit voltage, short circuit current and I-V testing of all strings.
  • DC cabling checks and Inverter Fusing: Performing polarity checks of DC cabling from combiner boxes to inverter stations and installation of DC fuses once polarity proven to be correct
  • Inverter stations: Testing of Ring Main Unit, Circuit Breaker, Step Up Transformer, Current Transformers, protection relays and inverter station earthing system. Works also included establishing communications from Power Plant Controller to inverter stations.
  • 33kV equipment: Testing and pre-commissioning of 33kV switchroom including protection relays, 33kV switchgear, 33kV instrument transformers, SCADA systems and substation 125Vdc battery systems
  • 220kV equipment: Testing and commissioning of 220kV circuit breakers, disconnectors, earth switches, bus bars, transformers and substation earthing system

Project Snapshot

Sun Metals Solar Farm

Townsville, QLD

02/18 – 10/18

Contracting Sector:
Private High Voltage – Metal Refinery

Helping our clients succeed.

Developing and nurturing strong relationships is the key to success.

Noble Power Solutions was established in 2016 offering more than 15 years experience of specialist testing, commissioning and electrical engineering services to the power generation, transmission, distribution and end user industries.

Our attention to detail, focus on safety and rare combination of experience, skills and capabilities is what we believe makes Noble Power Solutions stand out from the competition.

Our Culture

NOBLE Adjective—having or showing fine qualities or high moral principles.

More than just a name, noble goes to the core of our business. It is a value which resonates within all of us and drives us to be the best we can for ourselves and our clients.

Safety Centered

When it comes to working with electricity, the health and safety of our people is paramount.

Owing to our extensive knowledge of the works we do and depth of experience within the industries we service Noble Power Solutions has an impeccable zero injury or lost time safety and environmental track record.

Regions Serviced

From our base locations in Tasmania and Queensland we offer our services to all clients in all States and Territories with Australia.

With a unique business model which allows us to be dynamic and responsive, in many cases we can mobilise within 24 hours of a client request.

Noble Power Solutions has a fully Integrated Management System (IMS) certified as complying with the requirements of ISO9001:2015, ISO14001:2015, ISO45001:2016 and AS/NZS 4801:2001.

Certified System - Quality ISO 9001, Environment ISO 14001, Health & safety AS 4801